quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

Reshaping your go-to-market strategy

This flow was taken from Bain&Company insight about next generation of buyers and how it reshapes the go-to-market framework definition (this study is focused in the cloud computing, but abstract an open behaviours from customers). This is very helpfully to understand how to define consistent strategies focused in results. I consider the last fase the worst to manage considering the volatility era the we live. Good reading... 

Read the full report on: http://www.bain.com/publications/articles/selling-the-cloud.aspx 

sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012

Understand your industry competition structure... remember the Porter's framework!

After to discuss a lot about your target market and who is your primary customer (preferences, behaviours, buying processes, etc...), remember to explore as deep as well the market structure using this important and well-known framework "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy", from Mr. Michael Porter (the father from modern enterprise Strategy).

In this short video Porter talk about how youth this concepts are and how every industry could take benefits from them.

After that if you never read the original article, please, do it now, furthermore is completely free from Harvard Business Review. If you already read, it's always good to refresh the ideas reading this amazing statement.


Good reading... 

quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Focus on the Buyer... this is where the go-to-market strategies begin...

This video is an amazing startup for all marketers and sales professionals. There are so many knowledge about the new perspective of go-to-market strategies, considering the new consumer behaviours, new media engagement, processes analyses and much more...  

Once upon a time...

Let's talk about business models considering the Go-to-Market perspective!

El propósito de este blog es nada más que discutir los temas, conceptos y casos de empresas que utilizan sus estrategias go-to-market para asegurar resultados consistentes.

The purpose of this blog is nothing more than discussing themes, concepts and cases from companies that used their go-to-market strategies to ensure consistent results.

O objetivo deste blog nada mais é do que discutir temas, conceitos e casos de empresas que utilizaram suas estratégias go-to-market para assegurar resultados consistentes.

Let's begin... Vamos a empezar ... Vamos começar...